Let me lift you up, so you can do the same to others!
There may be times when we feel downhearted, helpless, or sad. It’s during times like these that we are reminded of the fact that we are human and not machine.
Have you ever tried to lift someone up when they are experiencing these very emotions? A friend, colleague, relative or even a total stranger? In my experience, even strangers will openly talk to you in the knowledge that they may not cross your path again. So here is some advice from a fellow stranger who has your heart and soul in mind.
My grandmother used to tell me, “God helps those who help themselves.” This is something that has stuck with me to this day and features as one of the many rules I have written in the book I wrote for my son. I would never quite understand her as a young girl, but in time, things became clearer.
When you step into adulthood, you enrol in the “university of life” and everything changes. You encounter problems — emotional, physical, and financial challenges. Gone are the days when your only responsibility was to finish your dinner, brush your teeth or play with your doll. Instead, life becomes a sequence of obstacles that you must overcome. And overcome them you must! Remind yourself that a life without difficulty is no life at all. Instead, it is merely a stagnant existence, lacking growth and the opportunity to better yourself. When you are down, accept the challenge and keep moving forward.
Always remember to help others and encourage them through difficult times. Kind and confident words of encouragement can mean the world to someone who is struggling, but remember that within time, the only thing that truly determines whether someone is helped is if they have the desire to help themselves. Remind yourself and those around you that in spite of adversity, where there is life, there is hope.